Tuesday, March 6, 2012

There Are No Shortcuts in Investing: Nobel Laureate William Sharpe - YouTube

There Are No Shortcuts in Investing: Nobel Laureate William Sharpe - YouTube

ploaded by on Jan 11, 2010

Nobel Laureate William F. Sharpe explains how futile it is to read sure-thing investing books or watch the latest financial guru to find easy answers on weathering the financial crisis or filling the holes in your portfolio.

Sharpe is the Stanco 25 Professor of Finance Emeritus and Nobel Laureate.

Part of a series discussion on "Stanford Pioneers in Science", a program sponsored by Stanford Continuing Education.

Interviewed by Paul Costello, communication and public affairs director, School of Medicine

Story: http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/news/headlines/sharpe_interview_09.html

Recorded: October 7, 2009

Characteristics of Great Investors - YouTube

Characteristics of Great Investors - YouTube

ed by on Aug 5, 2009

Thomas Barrack, Founder, Chairman, CEO, Colony Capital gives the keynote address to the Principal Investment Conference. Recorded: February 13, 2008





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